Family Photos

Now using flickr for family photos.

Earlier this year we opened a new #NuclearMedicine and molecular radiotherapy suite that pairs high-precision #medicalimaging with targeted therapies to optimise delivery of new targeted #cancer treatments

Read the @HHE_Digital case study here ⬇️

Great to see Professor Jon Wadsley featured in this case study about our brand new #NuclearMedicine and molecular radiotherapy suite which is supporting the delivery of a host of new targeted #cancer treatments set to come on board in the next few years @WPCancerCharity 👏

Celebrating 25 years of pioneering research at Weston Park Cancer Centre 🎉

Over the past quarter-century, the CCTC has conducted 1,048 clinical trials involving 18,260 patients 👏💜 @WestonParkCC @sheffielduni

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